Sunday, December 10, 2006

check this comment

"Às vezes parece que nos descartamos das responsabilidades - tudo a culpar os homens por serem machistas, mas muitas muitas mulheres também o são. Estou farta de coitadinhas - gaijas, toca a por os ovários a mexer! E então? Também vamos passar a vida a queixarmos-nos por vivermos num país atrasado que não dá um chavo por nós (mulheres e homens)?? Toca a construir cenas!!! A dar-lhe de gás!"

read whole comment

Friday, December 08, 2006

who's afraid of feminism

Why Not Feminism?

"It's anachronistic; no woman I know would unapologetically describe herself as a feminist. If the concept and importance of gender equality as an issue has crossed her mind, then there is only one acceptable way of communicating this: "I'm not a feminist, but..." for this read, "please don't think I'm a lesbian/man hater /being difficult..." In short, feminism is a dirty word, and only by denying it are we happy to use it in our vocabulary."

by Emma Cosh

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Two of the latest techno tracks that been pushing thru my brains revolve around the subject of ice, so to speak. Patrice Baumel's Shower Of Ice and The Field's Over The Ice. Ok, I like techno but what the heck does this relates even remotely to the subject of this blog? Or feminism? Well, let me see, Lea Klus, Magda, Ellen Allien, Miss Dinky, M.I.A., Gudrun Gut, Ada, Sylvie Marks, Nora Below, Water lilly, and though the average of women behind the dj deck or even putting out records on the major techno labels is still ridiculous the thing is that once on the harfloor we could care less if the one behind the pulse drive is from Venus or Mars. Rave on!